The Holloway Series in Poetry welcomes Douglas Kearney

Each academic year, The English Department’s Holloway Series in Poetry welcomes several renowned and rising contemporary poets to campus to share and celebrate their work.
This week, the series welcomes poet Douglas Kearney. Kearney is the author of several collections of poetry, including Mess and Mess and (Noemi Press, 2015), a Small Press Distribution Selection esteemed as, “an extraordinary book,” by Publisher’s Weekly. His other works include The Black Automaton (Fence Books, 2009), Patter (Red Hen Press, 2014), and Someone Took They Tongues (Subito Press, 2016.)
Below you will find the poem “Runaway Tongue” published in 2014 by Boston Review.
Douglas Kearney’s reading will be held April 12 at 6:30pm in room D37, Hearst Field Annex, with an introductory reading by Comparative Literature graduate student Max Kaisler. The event is free and open to the public.